X‑Drive | Autonomous Tool Carrier

product photo of x drive hero 2

Safety, robustness and technology MJID assisted X‑Drive robots with the Industrial Design development of an Autonomous Tool Carrier. Being a self-driving vehicle, it was important to create a design that would signal to the people it met that it is safe, intelligent and uses state of the art technologies. MJID worked in close collaboration with […]

Nerve Smart Systems | Electric Vehicle Charger

photo of Nerve Charging Outdoors Battery Covers with city background

The challenge To design a charging station that catered to the various function requirements defined by Nerve Systems and fulfilled an important need to be visible and recognizable from a distance. The solution A robust and elegant tower with a horizontal ‘hi visibility’ signage header utilizing folded metal construction. Illumination was used to capture attention […]

Garia | Garia Utility

garia utility copenhagen forteaser sketch of man cleaning next to car

The challenge​ How do we design a UV that says to the pedestrians it meets on the streets and footpaths, “excuse me, can I come past?”. Can we provide an product expression that can fit into our cityscapes and not disturb the peace. The UV is also a space that users spend significant amounts of time. […]

CarOne | Custom Sports Car

VTR 115 carone custom sports car on race track with palms in the background

The Challenge To create a sports car that is fast, fun and can unmistakably unique. It is to be manufactured in small production runs, using fibre composition technologies and assembly by hand.  A kit car in principle. The vast majority of components are to be harvested from a donor car… a BMW M5. The Solution The […]