Give your project a ‘quick’ boost with a full-day creative workshop!

The Greenhouse is typically a full-day creative session where two experienced facilitators assist your team in identifying challenges/problems and endeavour to solve them. The Greenhouse is held in our studio in Nyhavn where we have our main meeting space as well as two breakout rooms. The day also includes lunch in ‘Havfruen’, a great restaurant just downstairs.

A day of collaborative focus

  • Introduction, Participants, Project background, Status / Next step
  • Repeat problem definition (For everyone)
  • Describe background in short (Why?)
  • Describe expected output for the day (Defined!)
  • Share your “daring” ideas
  • Work in turn from the “inside out” and the “outside in”
  • Optional group work
  • Create brief summary (“status” and “next step” after lunch)
  • Go into detail — compose “holistic” idea configurations
  • Optional swap of seating/topics
  • Present ideas
  • Selection / Comments
  • Sum up (“status” and “next step” for project group)
  • Check ideas for potential invention disclosure

What is The Greenhouse™ about?

A creative boost

Using a selection of creative tools, we pool the skills and experience of your team, and ours, to explore, identify and sketch possible solutions.

We come with positive, contagious, energy and ensure everyone participates.

We stay “green”, we’re curious, and we’re not afraid to ask…

greenhouse service photo of team
greenhouse sketching copy design engineering

Real-time innovation

Our designers do ‘here and now’ advanced sketching to visualize your ideas. We listen, we ask and we illustrate… your words become products ideas before your eyes.

We encourage knowledge sharing, discuss challenges and solutions, and then brainstorm and capture ideas.

Something to build on!

We come to conclusions, and together with you, define next steps.

You will never end up with just a heap of yellow Post-Its!

The outcome is a visual report with drawings, sketches and notes recording the day’s discoveries.

the greenhouse report result of møller jensen innovation design meeting

A Greenhouse™ workshop can benefit your project at any stage of the journey.

With decades of experience, we have optimized our tools for managing creativity and innovation. We welcome you to challenge us in one of our Greenhouse™ sessions!

Wondering if Greenhouse is for you?
Feel free to reach out to Peter or Scott.

+45 33 13 57 01