
Ceiling lift

When designing rehabilitation equipment and tools for handicapped people, the challenge is to transform highly technical and functional solutions into friendly, respectful, non-intimidating products.

Founded in Denmark over 20 years ago, Ergolet has been designing and manufacturing unique, innovative and safe lifting solutions for elderly and handicapped people. The products range from large systems mounted on the ceiling, to mobile systems and accessories. The main customers are hospitals and nursing homes, yet more and more private customers are buying installations for use in their homes.




  • Medical


  • Industrial Design
  • Instructions for Use
  • Mechanical Design
  • Prototyping/Models
  • Styling
  • User Testing
  • Visualization

We have worked for Ergolet on several occasions. In this case we were asked to join the process just before the final construction phase of a new ceiling mounted hoist named “Luna”. Our job was to design the user interfaces, find the overall style and form factor, as well as designing the external fittings. We focused on creating the optimal work situation for the helper and a comfortable and friendly experience for the handicapped.

Our aim was to create a simple, non-technical and poetic shape – “The Moon” hanging high above the user. The form is compact, circular and soft. All interface areas are giving a clear signal and overview for the handling. The overall expression is calm and human, even though the hoist is full of innovative technical features. In a good collaboration with the Ergolet team we have created a successful product. And we are honoured to receive the Danish design Index prize.

Awards:2004 INDEX: Design DK

Awards:2004 INDEX: Design DK